At the Adecco Group, we believe the private sector has a critical role to play in helping to rebalance our world for the benefit of all. And we are committed to playing our part: being respectful to our stakeholders, the society we are a part of, and the planet we live on – ultimately making the future work for everyone.
Our sustainability goals

Our material issues - sustainability priorities and fundamentals
The bedrock to achieving this our vision is a deep understanding of the issues most material to our business and to our stakeholders. Building on related work in previous years, over the course of 2018, we conducted a comprehensive process to identify and prioritise these issues.
We started with an analysis of existing work, international standards, regulations and best practices. To validate and prioritise our findings, we then engaged extensively with internal and external stakeholders, including clients, associates, colleagues, investors, suppliers, and representatives from institutions and the public at large, be it through an online dialogue with experts, a public online survey, internal workshops or private meetings. We continuously refined the list of topics based on the following criteria:
The importance to our stakeholders;
The importance to our business, based on each topic’s strategic fit, the impact on our business and values, potential opportunities and risks, and the innovation potential; and
The impacts of our activities on sustainable development along our value chain.
The result: ten factors that have the greatest impact on our ability to create shared value. We divide them into two categories:
Sustainability priorities: areas that are core to our business, where we can play a key role in addressing them and having a positive impact

Sustainability fundamentals: areas that are fundamental to our license to operate, where we want to ensure we have best practices in place.

Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Agenda 2030
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted in September 2015 by all member states of the United Nations. They set out a roadmap for working collectively to address the global challenges we face and achieve a better, more equitable and sustainable future for all.
Achieving the SDGs requires determined action by all sectors in society – including our business. At the Adecco Group, we are fully committed to playing our part. We strongly believe that with our scale and reach as a multinational company, we can help achieve several of the SDGs – and are committed to doing so. As thea world’s -leading HR talent solutions and advisory companyprovider, we have a tremendous opportunity – and responsibility – to harness our expertise and resources to contribute to the achievement of this important vision. While as a multinational corporation we have touchpoints with almost every SDG, we focus our strategic efforts most closely on those where we can make the biggest difference through our core business:, we can particularly help unlock future potential, facilitate access to work and enable better economic development, wellbeing, livelihoods and security.