Permanent Placement


You can reply on our recruitment service to find new employees who really fit your team. In addition to our many years of experience, we rely on sophisticated testing methods to determine both the professional and social skills of the applicants. Our broad network and our extensive candidate database allow us to offer you with suitable candidates within a short space of time. This will enable you to fill your vacancy as quickly as possible.

The recruitment process consists of three phases

1. Preparatory phase

In a first step, our expert personnel consultants will hold a detailed discussion with you to identify your wishes and requirements for future employees. We first screen our extensive pool of talent for suitable candidates. Next we search for promising profiles on the relevant job platforms. Finally, we hold face-to-face meetings to assess the skills of the applicants and use individual competence tests to select the best specialists for your needs.

2. Core phase

Now it's your turn. After reviewing all references, we will send you candidate profiles, introduce the candidate to you by telephone and finally organise a personal interview on your premises. Each interview is followed by a debriefing in which we analyse how the meeting went together and obtain input for any renewed search. This enables us constantly to improve our processes.

3. Follow-up

Have you decided on a particular person? We will then handle the hiring process and continue to maintain contact with you and the employees even after a placement. You benefit from a guarantee period of 100 calendar days from the employee's commencement. You will only receive our invoice after this period has elapsed. We thus guarantee full satisfaction and long-term cooperation.

Benefits you gain at a glance:

  • You can delegate time-consuming recruiting processes to us
  • This takes the strain off your personnel department
  • Gain access to an extensive network of candidates
  • Candidate preselection
  • Limited financial risk
  • Client contract with success-based component
  • Guaranteed performance for the duration of the probationary period

      Summary: We will be happy to assist you in the search for new talent who will contribute to the long-term success of your company and can offer you a consultation with no obligations.

      Contact us now!