CEO Voice: Alain Dehaze On The “Great Re-Evaluation”

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In an interview with Jack Kelly, contributing writer at Forbes, Alain Dehaze spoke at length about his insights on the future of work and challenges for leaders as we slowly shift into a post-pandemic future.
October 12, 2021
Future of Work
CEO Voice
Flexible Working

The future of work must be flexible, though it’s up to companies to better understand their workers and their desires and needs in a shifting post-pandemic future, especially if they hope to retain top talent, Alain Dehaze said in an interview this month.

In an interview with Jack Kelly, contributing writer at Forbes, Alain Dehaze spoke at length about his insights on the future of work, especially in such a fast-moving environment. Dehaze spoke about the great re-evaluation, the importance of upskilling and reskilling, the future of office space, key takeaways from our Resetting Normal research and the future of hybrid working.

Over the past two years, Dehaze told Forbes, the productivity of his team – and others across the Adecco Group – have proven to him that remote work works. A more inclusive and flexible way of working is possible, and we don’t have to stick to old standards that might not work for everyone.

The new challenge is now for human resources and management to “build the right structures, resources and policies to ensure this new way of working delivers an inspiring and sustainable working environment,” Dehaze told journalist Jack Kelly.

How do we get there? Dehaze champions a unique set of principles that will characterize the new world of work.

Read the full article on Forbes to learn more about the great re-evaluation, shifting to results-based outcomes, andjavascript:void(0); the challenges for leaders as we shift to a post-pandemic future.