Facebook’s Salary-By-Location Sets Precedent For Tech: TOP 5 Trends From The World Of Work

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Facebook workers get a work from home offer – and a warning - from CEO Zuckerberg. Major airlines request permission for take-off to curb job cuts. A jobs bonanza for nannies… with COVID-19 antibodies, the pain and pleasure of being a perfectionist and a plan to boost gender parity in Latin America. All these stories make the headlines in this week’s trends from the world of work.
July 24, 2020

#1. Facebook’s salary-by-location move could set precedent for tech

Up to half of Facebook’s workforce can continue to work from home, but salaries may be adjusted for the cost of living, almost certainly meaning pay cuts for those moving out of Palo Alto. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg warned staff on transparency on this video message: “We’ll adjust salary to your location. There’ll be severe ramifications for people who are not honest about this”. So where might Facebook employees choose to set up home? With destinations like Barbados, Georgia or Bermuda launching programs to attract remote workers, they might be an option. Read more about Facebook’s salary-by-location move in this Financial Times article.

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#2. Leading airlines ask the US and EU for permission to take off ‘across the pond’ to save jobs

British Airways, United Airlines, Lufthansa and American Airlines have approached US and European Union leaders asking for the green light to resume trans-Atlantic flights in a bid to save thousands of flight crew and operational jobs. Currently, travel between Europe and the US is largely banned, but the airlines are proposing a COVID-19 test program for passenger to support the move. Since the pandemic hit, most major airlines have announced thousands of job cuts and staff furloughs, while some smaller players have collapsed. Read more on the BBC.

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#3. A new take on ‘qualifications’ as families seek nannies with Covid-19 antibodies

During the pandemic, caregivers have been asked to do more than ever, from cleaning and cooking to home schooling. As the pandemic continues, many parents who are struggling to balance work and child care are hiring nannies again. But in the USA, as highlighted in this New York Times article, parents are looking for new skill sets and ‘qualifications’, including whether a caregiver has had the virus, is willing to relocate or has teaching experience.

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#4. Being ’a bit of a perfectionist’ at work may not be the trait you want to advertise – here’s why

Job candidates may decide that declaring themselves ‘a bit of a perfectionist’ will get them the kudos – and the job – they desire. But according to Natasha Frost’s ‘WORKLIFE’ article, increasingly, research suggests that perfectionism isn’t a professional trait you necessarily want to advertise. It can actually negatively affect the workplace environment, alienate colleagues and make it harder for teams to get along. “If colleagues could choose between working with a perfectionist or a non-perfectionist,” says psychologist Emily Kleszewski, “they would always prefer the non-perfectionist – the person with realistic expectations for themselves, and also for the team.” And perfectionism isn’t a breeze for the perfectionist, either, with the trait strongly correlating with mental health problems resulting in stress and burnout.

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#5. The COVID-19 crisis disproportionately affects women – here’s how Latin American countries are addressing this challenge

Women globally have been firmly on the frontlines of the COVID-19 response, often working in jobs that are underpaid, undervalued and insecure. According to the World Economic Forum, the ‘Accelerators in Latin America and the Caribbean’ – a group of Latin American leaders from public and private sectors – are tackling this issue through innovative policies and initiatives that could make a difference for women. The group believes focused and rapid action now can accelerate economic gender parity in the long term. Here’s the Accelerators’ five-point plan:

  • Rebalancing the burden of unpaid care work

  • Extending social safety nets to the informal sector

  • Ensuring women are well positioned in growth sectors

  • Supporting small business owners with skills training

  • Addressing violence against women

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