You have to lead yourself down the right path first before others will follow. My advice to young leaders I interact with is to never sell themselves short, to know their own worth and to avoid succumbing to imposter syndrome. My constant mantra is, ‘Only you can spread your wings and fly’. I developed a steely inner strength from the knowledge that my destiny is in my own hands. I try not to let anyone clip my wings, including myself. Willpower is my superpower.
One unusual influencer on my life has been Dame Stella Rimington. She is the former Director-General of MI5 and the first and only female to fill this position. She inspired me to use backbone and resilience to overcome the imposter syndrome feeling.
At the Adecco Group, we are proud to be a member of Paradigm for Parity. We are committed to eliminating the gender gap in the corporate leadership by 2030.
Let’s build a new norm in a corporate world in which men and women have equal opportunities.