Extending social protections to workers who don't normally have them is not only about social justice, but also an important measure for the resilience of the economy.
April 2, 2020

No Worker Left Behind: Why COVID-19 Could Deliver A New Social Contract

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The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unparalleled economic damage. The Eurozone is experiencing the largest collapse in business activity ever recorded and global GDP is expected to fall by at least half a percent. In the worst-case scenario, as many as 25 million people could be left unemployed with a loss of income measured in the trillions.


This crisis is unusual because it has hit both supply and demand. Factories are closed, hitting productivity, and consumers are being told to stay indoors, with crippling effects on the tourism, travel, non-food retail, services, restaurants, hotels, events, leisure, and construction sectors. At the same time, never before has there been such a demand for healthcare personnel, medical experts, doctors, and nurses, while consumer demand is driving warehouses and grocery stores.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unparalleled economic damage. The Eurozone is experiencing the largest collapse in business activity ever recorded and global GDP is expected to fall by at least half a percent. In the worst-case scenario, as many as 25 million people could be left unemployed with a loss of income measured in the trillions.


This crisis is unusual because it has hit both supply and demand. Factories are closed, hitting productivity, and consumers are being told to stay indoors, with crippling effects on the tourism, travel, non-food retail, services, restaurants, hotels, events, leisure, and construction sectors. At the same time, never before has there been such a demand for healthcare personnel, medical experts, doctors, and nurses, while consumer demand is driving warehouses and grocery stores.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unparalleled economic damage. The Eurozone is experiencing the largest collapse in business activity ever recorded and global GDP is expected to fall by at least half a percent. In the worst-case scenario, as many as 25 million people could be left unemployed with a loss of income measured in the trillions.


This crisis is unusual because it has hit both supply and demand. Factories are closed, hitting productivity, and consumers are being told to stay indoors, with crippling effects on the tourism, travel, non-food retail, services, restaurants, hotels, events, leisure, and construction sectors. At the same time, never before has there been such a demand for healthcare personnel, medical experts, doctors, and nurses, while consumer demand is driving warehouses and grocery stores.

No Worker Left Behind: Why COVID-19 Could Deliver A New Social Contract

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