Remote Work Is The New Signing Bonus: TOP 5 Trends From The World Of Work

BANNER - Top 5 - July 2
This week, workers have begun to quit their jobs at the whisperings of returning to the office – and instead seek out flexible working arrangements. Plus, how to ensure the recruitment process is fair when using AI; the rise of skills-based hiring and what it means for the future of work; how the return to the office is going in key cities around the world; and lessons from the world’s happiest countries. Read this week’s trends from the world of work.
July 2, 2021
Future of Skills
Future of Work

#1. Remote work is the new signing bonus.

After nearly two years of home office many white-collar employees aren’t quite willing to give up work from home and return to corporate offices full-time. Employees have begun searching for exits when bosses ask the to return to the office, looking for more flexible arrangements, according to a Wall Street Journal report. Across the U.S., a growing number of employees have resigned – and in turn found newer, more flexible arrangements that welcome them with the promise of remote work. Read more in the WSJ.  

Photo 1 - Kelly Bhagat via Unsplash - RESIZED

#2. We’re using AI more and more in the hiring process. How can we make sure it is fair?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is taking on a growing role in the job market and recruitment process, according to a report by The Brookings Institution. In the U.S. alone, 55% of human resources leaders use predictive algorithms in the hiring process. Some AI systems prevent systematic biases, but others create new modes of discrimination. Those who don’t fit into algorithmic expectations could find themselves left out. Read more here.

Photo 2 - Amy Hirschi via Unsplash - RESIZED

#3. The rise of skills-based hiring and what it means for education.

The pandemic broke down old conventions and accelerated some trends. But one major convention fell by the wayside for tech employers: requiring degrees for every position. For many years, most jobs required a degree. But the degree process screened out skilled applicants, making upward mobility a more elusive concept. Skills based hiring allows employers to screen in talent for performance and potential, instead of pedigree. Read more on Forbes. And if you are wondering how companies can get started with their skills strategy, read more on this General Assembly series.

Photo 3 - Kelly Sikkema via Unsplash - RESIZED

#4. How the return to the office is going in six key cities around the world.

More and more workers are heading back to the office, but the road to normal may be much farther away than we think. An analysis of workplace activity in some of the world’s key financial centers finds that they are still roughly 50% below pre-pandemic levels. Spots like London, Frankfurt, and Hong Kong are still far away from reopening, according to Google’s Community Mobility Reports. In Hong Kong, low vaccination rates are proving to be a major obstacle to reopening, while the Delta variant is putting a wrench in London’s efforts to reopen. Find the full data here.

Photo 4 - Simon Zhu via Unsplash - RESIZED

#5. We’re learning the wrong lessons from the world’s happiest countries.

The annual World Happiness Report has been released, and the lessons are not shocking. People are more satisfied and happier with their lives when they have a comfortable standard of living, a supportive network, good health, and the ability to choose their course in life. The highest-ranking countries also tend to have universal health care, ample paid time off, and affordable child care. Read more at The Atlantic.

Photo 5 - Denise Jones via Unsplash - RESIZED