The Surprising Way That McDonald’s Attracts Young Talent: TOP 5 Trends From The World Of Work

BANNER - Top 5 Aug 13
This week, how big companies like McDonald’s are using audio to attract and retain top talent. Plus, America’s second largest stock exchange sets a ground-breaking precedent for members; the growing market for electric vehicles and why companies need to upskill and reskill to meet demand; Google staff could see a pay cut if they opt to work from home; and why signing bonuses may not be enough to combat one of the U.K.’s most severe labour shortages. Read this week’s trends from the world of work.
August 13, 2021
Future of Work
Future of Skills

#1. McDonald’s finds new ways to attract young talent via Amazon Alexa.

Companies are looking for new and unique ways to attract and retain top talent, and one of the next new trends in hiring is emerging: voice audio for hiring. Tech companies are embracing audio for hiring, including fast food giant McDonald’s. The company has shifted their job application process to make it as quick and easy as their drive-thru. Applicants can use Amazon Alexa to talk through applying for a job. In the future, these machines will be able to conduct interviews as well. Read more at Forbes.
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#2. U.S. Stock Exchange sets diversity rules for listed companies.

America’s second largest stock exchange sets a ground-breaking precedent this week: it will set binding gender and diversity targets for its listed companies. The move comes amid complains about a lack of diversity in corporations across the U.S. Companies like Apple or Tesla will have to have at least two diverse directors – or an explanation as to why they do not. Directors will need to include one person who identifies as female and another underrepresented minority or LGBTQ+. According to a NASDAQ study last year, more than 75% of the listed companies wouldn’t be able to meet these goals. Read more at the BBC.
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#3. At least two-thirds of global car sales will be electric by 2040.

Electric cars will become increasingly common thanks to improving technology, more charging points, and government policies, according to a report in Bloomberg. Passenger electric vehicles are projected to grow exponentially across the globe and account for two-thirds of all global car sales by 2040. Meanwhile, sales of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles have peaked. Read more at Bloomberg.

There’s no denying that the automotive industry is changing, and quickly. To keep up with these changes, it’s important to keep in mind shifting talent strategies. In our recent white paper, we outlined the importance for automotive manufacturers to upskill and reskill talent and future-proof their workforce to keep up with growing demands – and the shift to more electric vehicles. Read more here.
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#4. Google staff could see a pay cut if they opt to work from home.

Google employees could see a pay cut if they opt to work from home permanently, according to a company pay calculator first seen by Reuters. Their pay calculator – which would allow staff to seethe effects of any possible moves – shows that employees that don’t come into the office as often or commute from a further distance could see pay cuts, even without moving location. Google isn’t the only company testing out location-specific pay models, but other tech companies aren’t following suite. Reddit and Zillow have shifted to location-agnostic pay models. Read more here.
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#5. Why “golden hellos” won’t sort out Britain’s labour shortage.

The U.K. is facing one of the most severe labour shortages in almost 25 years. Normality remains a way off, still, and the Brexit-induced exodus of EU workers has left employers struggling to staff their long-awaited reopenings. One way employers are combatting this? A signing bonus, or “golden hello,” across several industries that need talent. But bonuses may not cut it anymore, and employers need to face up to Covid realities and offer better terms for frontline workers. Read more here.
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