Workforce Transformation
Talents from all over the world on the Adecco way to work
The Adecco Experience will help them step on the career ladder. Only one will become the 'Adecco CEO for one month'.
June 25, 2014

Adecco Group, the world’s leading provider of Human Resources solutions, announced today the talents who will start their professional career in July in some of the leading companies in the world. The candidates from 54 countries were tested and selected for the Adecco Experience project. This involves a one month job placement to give them work experience and improve their employability. Throughout July, 10 candidates will be selected for a chance to become the ‘Adecco CEO for one month’, under the direct supervision of the CEO Patrick De Maeseneire.

Many doubts trouble young people in search of their first work experience. What attitudes are successful in a work environment? How do you work in a team in global organisations? Is my profile in line with a marketing career or would it be better to go for Human Resource management? Will I manage a store or is digital communication my future?

Thanks to the Adecco Experience and with the cooperation of some of the leading companies in the world, in July youngsters from 54 countries will have the chance to answer many of those open questions. They will gain experience for a month in roles ranging from production to marketing, sales, communication and human resources. This first job experience is a great chance to learn by doing, test themselves, and prove the value of their talent and motivation. At the end of the project, Adecco will also continue to support them with career tips and advice.

Youth unemployment is one of the biggest problems of our times. Today 23.5% of 15- to 24-year-olds are out of work across Europe. The youth jobless rate stands at 56.9% in Greece, 53.5% in Spain and 43.3% in Italy [1] . At the same time we have 7 million unfilled jobs in Europe and the US, due to the fact youngsters have shown a lack of work experience that companies require. Adecco decided in 2013 to take action and offer its expertise to help young talent. The Adecco Way to Work programme is designed to provide young people with work experience and guidance to help them increase their employability and take a first step on the career ladder.

Throughout July, the talents that also applied for the ‘CEO for one month’ programme will go through a further selection. At the end, only one will prove that he or she has what it takes to become ‘CEO of the Adecco Group for one month’, under the direct supervision of CEO Patrick De Maeseneire. He will mentor the successful candidate during this once-in-a-lifetime experience - an opportunity to discover how to run a Fortune 500 company with 31,000 employees and more than 650,000 associates around the globe.

To find out more about the candidates, click on www.adeccowaytowork.com. You can also follow their Adecco Experience through social media Facebook and support them in their race towards the CEO’s chair, just following the Adecco Way to Work™ resources:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/AdeccoWaytoWork

Twitter: www.twitter.com/AdeccoWayToWork



[1] Eurostat, June 2014.