Supply Chain Responsibility

The definition of a supply chain includes the company’s own business, indirect and direct suppliers inclusive of their services, merchandise and products across their value chain both at home and abroad.
The supply chain includes all steps from the extraction of raw materials to the delivery of merchandise, services or products to end customers.

Supply Chain Impact

  • Supply chains are becoming increasingly complex, accounting for over 90% of environmental impacts in industry around the globe.
  • In 2022, 28 million people worldwide were affected by forced labour.
  • In 2022, 160 million children were engaged in child labour; whereof 79 million were performing hazardous work.
  • Trade unionists were killed in eight countries, 42% of countries denied or constrained freedom of speech and assembly, workers experienced arbitrary arrests and detentions in 46% of countries, and 65% of countries denied or restricted workers access to justice.